Thursday, December 30, 2010

yet another Christian publication

A writer likes to write regardless the size of the audience even when not paid ( Maybe this is the excuse that drives a writer to work on his/her project and as many others as possible -- like my friends Renee ( and Alece ( as well as some of the guys in #Tworship ( writing material for various publications (print, on-line, etc) all the time.

About a year ago, I tried to become a freelance writer for one of the bigger Christian magazines in the US. When I was given the outline, I preferred not to pursue it again. Needless to say (type), this experience might influenced my decision to stop reading the publication (unknowingly at the time).

Right now I'm trying to get a gig writing and/or taking pictures for a local Christian publication. It all started when I made a comment about a website to the person in charge (web master, administrator, etc). I pushed the idea once again and I'm having an "interview" with this person in a week and a half. Ironically enough, earlier this year, I tried to get a small gig as an editor at this same local publication, but somehow the project just fell apart.

If this new project comes about, it'd be something exciting to get my hands dirty with. The whole experience of writing for someone else will be different from all I've worked on before and most likely rewarding.