Thursday, January 1, 2009

09/28/2008, third week in a row, yeah!

Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church (
Service from 11:15 to 11:15am
with Pastor Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnson

1. World Prayer Sunday, all Christians in united prayer and communion, started by Presbyterians in 1800's, now (1940's) adopted by other Christians faiths, languages, origins, etc
  1.1. Baptism of two and introduction of new (registered) members of the congregation, me not a member still (well at least, not yet)
2. Sermon: difference between agnostics and atheists using new movie with Bill Maher:
  2.1. Agnostics confused, not sure about Christianity, would rarely fight
  2.2. Atheists sure that there's no God, passionate to fight and sell their conviction, belief that religion does more damage than good
  2.3. Good to question what we don't understand in our faiths, not as lack of blind faith, but to really understand and learn our faith
3. Me feeling not worthy, still feeling like fish out of water, still sitting in the back left of the church, trying to understand customs and over all church behavior, still taking notes
  3.1. Didn't take communion (small piece bread and small cup of wine), which was passed around, not ready, no confession before communion?
4. Why not walk four blocks down to St Pats?
  4.1. Still find Presbyterian church very rock n' roll, not so formal and up-tight, no saints and prayers to them (weird?)
  4.2. Much more sense than Catholic church, married pastors, female pastors (uh?)
  4.3. 'Our Father' also recited