Last night, I went to the convenience store and forgot to get my nine-year old son a bar of Hershey chocolate (as I usually do). He practically pushed me out of our apartment to get him a bar of chocolate. I got to laugh and forget my worries ( having my own son kicking me out of my own apartment because I forgot to buy him a bar of chocolate.
Latter last night, I also saw my boy cry and in pain for no apparent reason as he was taking a shower. I was completely useless trying to help him stop feeling whatever he was going through. I could merely hold him in my arms to show that I cared and was there to protect him. All I can think of is that this might be a left-over from the seizure. I couldn't help weeping without him seeing me (an almost forty-year-old man in shameless tears, how embarrassing).
Needless to say (type), I'm scared to death. I can't sleep well as I've been waking up several times during the night to check on him. My son's seizure's taken a huge toll on my mental health.